“Catholic” Kerry Attempts to Siphon Pro-life Votes with Overtures
and Reclaim Catholic Vote
Senator claims his faith helped him make it through “wilderness”
By Peter J. Smith
PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY, California, September 19, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com)
– Former Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry gave a speech yesterday
at Pepperdine University in California, calling for pro-life supporters and abortion
proponents to achieve “common ground” between their irreconcilable positions
over abortion. However, the dubiously “Catholic” Kerry also spliced many
references to his “faith” and Catholic upbringing in his speech, in what critics
contend is an attempt to weaken the pro-life movement and win back Catholic
voters to the Democratic Party.
“Even as a supporter of Roe v. Wade, I am compelled to acknowledge that the
language both sides use on this subject can be, unfortunately, misleading and
unconstructive,” said Kerry, who insisted, “Instead of making enemies, we need
to make progress.” Kerry blamed “excessive language” for polarizing Americans
over abortion, and postulated that both sides can come together about issues like
tax credits for adoptive parents, more government aid for working mothers, and
universal health insurance.
The speech seems to be part of a wider effort of Democrats to create a wedge in
the pro-life movement, and seize the political center. Currently Congressional
Democrats are trying to paint the Reducing the Need for Abortion and Supporting
Parents Act as pro-life legislation, contending that it will reduce abortions by
making contraceptives more available, well-established as being a myth.
Kerry told the Boston Globe in an interview that he desired both sides of the
abortion debate to recognize the sincerity of each other's beliefs and ``be more
honest about the complexity of the moral decision here."
Throughout his presidential campaign, Kerry (who has consistently received
high marks from the abortion lobby NARAL) had asserted that he would not
``undo a constitutional right" to abortion by appointing pro-life Supreme
Court judges to overturn Roe v. Wade, even though he stated his belief that
human life begins at conception. Many credit Kerry’s self- contradiction and
support of anti-life and anti-family issues like abortion, embryonic stem cell
research, and homosexual marriage as part of the reason he and Democrats
suffered critical losses in the 2004 federal elections.
Adding to Kerry’s public self-contradictions, are his recent efforts to publicize
his “Catholic faith”, which contradicts starkly his support of anti-life and
anti-family legislation. The move seems to be an effort to court Catholic
voters won by Bush and Republicans in 2004.
The Pew Research Center showed that Kerry lost a majority of Catholic voters
by 5 points to President Bush, who spoke of his own personal faith and adopted
Pope John Paul’s phrase of building a “culture of life” into his platform.
``For 12 years I wandered in the wilderness, went through a divorce, and
struggled with questions about my direction," Kerry told his audience at
Pepperdine. ``Then, suddenly and movingly, I had a revelation about the
connection between the work I was doing as a public servant and my
formative teachings."
While Kerry contends that he made it through “the wilderness”, leaders of
the Catholic Church including Archbishop Raymond Burke believe that the
senator’s persistent support of abortion and anti-life policies remain
inconsistent with the teachings of the Catholic Faith. Burke and others have
called for Kerry and other pro-abortion politicians to be denied Holy
Communion in the Church.
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I've been reading that John Kerry is running for office once again. I don't
mind saying I won't vote for him once again. He asserts that he is catholic.
I believe that this gives the idea that what he is promoting is ok with the
Church. It's not. What he promotes is against catholic teaching, and also
against biblical tone and teaching. I do not like that he is asserting that he
is a catholic, because it asserts his disrespect for the Church and the Church's
teaching. He has a worldly view, and he is entitled to his opinion. His view
does not represent my view. I wrote him a letter in his last run for office,
saying that he should talk to his priest to find out what the true Church teaching
is. Of course I didn't receive a response back. He should repent from asserting
that he is a catholic in the public forum, since he is so contrary to it. He doesn't
really believe in what the Church teaches or stands for. How can I really trust
him when he is using a line of reason contrary to what is actually true. I don't.
It's only in reality saying what he believes people want to hear.
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