



Daily Wisdom

Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.


Thursday, July 20, 2006

Religious Action Center Of Reform Judaism
Stem Cell Research

Embryonic Stem Cell Research Enjoys Support from a Broad
Spectrum of Faith Communities.

The Jewish tradition teaches us that preserving life and promoting health are
among the most precious of values. Nachmanides, a Medieval Torah and
Talmud scholar, taught that the practice of healing is not merely a profession,
it is a mitzvah, a righteous obligation, and our tradition requires that we use
all available knowledge to heal the ill, and "when one delays in doing so, it is
as if he has shed blood" (Shulchan Aruch, Yorei De`ah 336:1). Additionally,
embryonic stem cell research enjoys support from the Episcopal Church (USA),
the Presbyterian Church, the United Church of Christ and the Union of
Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America.

America Strongly Supports Stem Cell Research.
An Opinion Research Corporation poll in March 2005 showed that Americans'
support for embryonic stem cell research grew when they were given detailed
information about the research. A February 2005 poll conducted by the Civil
Society Institute showed that 70% of voters back bipartisan federal legislation
to promote more embryonic stem cell research.

Question: Which voters, and how many were polled? I know that I wasn't


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Every single person and every single creature that is alive today on this Earth

- August 24, 2008 til around the year 2880 will all be dead when January 1, 3000 happens.

What do I know:

- I don't even know exactly how many generations of people that is.

- I have absolutely no idea what the terrain will look like then,

and I know that most things occurring today,

and for quite awhile from now, will not matter

or even be remembered by those alive then.

Will they even have books?

What can happen around the span of a 1000 years or so?

- The Roman Empire lasted approx 851 years. [625BC-476AD]

- The Pilgrim exploring party went ashore at Plymouth in America approx [1620] 388 years ago.

- The Nazi Party Ruled about 12 years [1933-1945]

- The Titanic took approx 2 hours and 40 minutes for her to sink. [11:40pm:14th-2:20am:15th April 1912]

- There is active Christian discussion on this being the latter day

- the time being at hand -

that indicates that somewhere in this clock

the prophecied tribulation could happen.

Would I be worthy?

- 10 out of 10 people do not leave this world alive.

- Somewhere in the time of this clock I'll be leaving here,

just like others I have known have already left.

- I know that spirits exist.

Do I know where those I have known are in spirit - no.

But I know that they are alive in the Lord's heart.

I know that He knows just where they are.

I hope and pray that they are ok.

In His heart I know and believe that they are.

- I believe in the promises of Christ, and know that I am ok.

What do you know?


Word of the Day

inhale discuss

Definition:(verb) Draw in (air).
Synonyms:breathe in, inspire
Usage:Every morning they go out to the yard, close their eyes, inhale the fresh mountain air, and meditate for an hour.






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