Ignatius Press
Insight Scoop
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Notice to All Ignatius Press Customers
In light of the recent statements and actions of singer Charlotte Church,
Ignatius Press will be dropping all of her products. It is with regret that
we do this; Miss Church possesses a great gift from God, and in the past
she has used her talent often to offer praise and glory to our Lord. She
has performed for the late Pope John Paul II, and in many sacred concerts,
televised Christmas celebrations, and her many albums were enjoyed by
our customers over the years.
But we cannot stand by a young woman who uses her stature in the media
to mock the Eucharist, slander the Holy Father, and denigrate the vows of
religious women.
Therefore, our catalogs and website will immediately withraw all compact discs,
cassette tapes, DVDs and VHS tapes that feature Miss Church. Please join us in
praying for this troubled young woman.
Posted by Carl Olson on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 at 11:24 AM
Monday, July 17, 2006
Charlotte Church: B16 is a "Nazi"
Ah, to be young, talented, and stupid. From EntertainmentWise.com:
Charlotte Church has whipped up a storm of controversy by appearing as
a drug-taking nun and calling the Pope a “Nazi” in her new TV show.
The singer performed a range of outrageous stunts for a pilot of her new
Channel 4 talk show, such as smashing open a statue of the Virgin Mary
to reveal a can of cider and eating a communion wafer emblazoned with
a ecstasy smiley face and pretending to hallucinate. ...
As well as branding the Pope a “Nazi” – despite performing for Pope
John Paul II when she was an angelic 12-year-old – she called painfully
thin actress Keira Knightley “a scrawny bird” and labelled Posh Spice
Victoria Beckham "as thick as two short planks".
Church's latest CD, featuring a modern/pop sound, is titled "Tissues and
Issues"; the first single was titled "Crazy Chick." Hey, if the song fits, play it.
Posted by Carl Olson on Monday, July 17, 2006 at 01:30 PM
Charlotte Church's Blasphemist TV Show Causes Outrage
She appears as a drug-taking nun and calls the Pope a 'Nazi'...
By: Chris Taylor on 7/17/2006
Charlotte Church has whipped up a storm of controversy by appearing as a
drug-taking nun and calling the Pope a “Nazi” in her new TV show.
The singer performed a range of outrageous stunts for a pilot of her new
Channel 4 talk show, such as smashing open a statue of the Virgin Mary
to reveal a can of cider and eating a communion wafer emblazoned with
a ecstasy smiley face and pretending to hallucinate.
The Bishop of Wrexham Edwin Regan tells the Mirror, "This sounds very
distasteful." Quite right Bish! It’s an outrage. Acid causes hallucinations,
not pills!
The 21-year-old – who dates Welsh international rugby player Gavin
Henson - also laid into a series of well-known figures.
As well as branding the Pope a “Nazi” – despite performing for Pope
John Paul II when she was an angelic 12-year-old – she called painfully
thin actress Keira Knightley “a scrawny bird” and labelled Posh Spice
Victoria Beckham "as thick as two short planks".
Entertainment Wise
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