Pope Benedict XVI- Visit to USA
Pope Benedict XVI- Visit to USA~ FULL Message and promo
http://www.nbc10. com/family/ 15937031/ detail.html
Pope Celebrates Mass At St. Patrick's Cathedral
Papal Mass
Pope Benedict XVI leads Mass for priests and deacons at St. Patrick's Cathedral.
http://video. nbc10.com/ player/?id= 242153
Pope Benedict Holds Final U.S. Mass
Pope Praises American Flock
NEW YORK -- Pope Benedict has celebrated the final Mass of his U.S. visit before a full house in New York's Yankee Stadium.
Papal Mass At Yankee Stadium, Part 1
Special Coverage
Pope Benedict XVI celebrates Mass in the Bronx.
. http://video. nbc10.com/ player/?id= 242479
. http://video. nbc10.com/ player/?fid= 23055#videoid= 242479
. http://www.nbc10. com/index. html
On NBC10 Philadelphia they have a really good listing of videos. I taped the Mass that was on TV today - 3 hours long, and I'm looking forward to seeing it!
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