Police Get Tips To Girl's Identity
Detective: Hundreds Of Tips Received On Sex Tape Investigation
POSTED: 3:26 pm PDT September 24, 2007
UPDATED: 3:57 pm PDT September 24, 2007
PAHRUMP, Nev. -- Officers said they have received more than 100 tips concerning the identity of a girl being abused in a pornographic tape. Nye County police are trying to identify her and her adult male attacker.
"It the most disgusting thing you could possibly imagine," Detective David Boruchowitz said. "The worst thing you could imagine happening to this girl happened."
Boruchowitz said the girl appears to only be 4 to 5 years old when the tape was filmed and, it appears, she has been victimized a lot. Detectives said the crime is gaining national attention, which has led to hundreds of calls about the identity of the girl and the male assaulting her.
"We really know very little," Boruchowitz said. "What we know is Darren Tuck, a local resident, turned in this tape to our detectives division."
Tuck told detectives he found the tape in the middle of the desert. Police said that, after an investigation, they found Tuck had possession of the tape for about five months, showing it to others.
"He's absolutely not telling the whole truth," Boruchowitz said. "I think Darren Tuck could provide more information that could help us in this investigation, although he's chosen not to."
Detectives said Tuck has no prior convictions or arrests of this nature, but has been charged with possession of child pornography and promotion of sexual acts of a minor. If convicted, he could get sentenced to life in prison.
Police are still requesting tips to the identity of this man. If you have any information, call CrimeStoppers at 702-385-5555.
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I learned about this case from Nancy Grace.
Note: I removed 'Madison's' photo by post request who gave me a new update. Thank you to poster 'Anonymous'.
You may not have heard, or you may not have had a chance to update your site yet. But now that the child has been found and the man suspected of commiting this horrible crime is in custody - the police are now asking that people take down the little girls picture. I hope when you get a chance you will do so. Let us pray for this little girl, but let her heal outside of the media spotlight. God Bless.
Pls remove this dear child's face from your site. God bless her and grant her peace, god bless those who will never forget what they saw in that tape.
Please this family needs their privacy back. We have a duty to her as one of our children to protect her and you can start by taking down the picture of her dear little face.
Yes, please take her picture down. what pain this poor little girl had been subjected to.
I agree. Please let her try to heal. I cry everytime I see this little girl as I have a three year old myself. These babies are so innocent and dependant. Thank you to the media for helping to find this child but now, lets please give her some privacy.
Pls take the picture off from any news and web site. but do post the suspect picture on every corner in this country. He is the number one most wanted in U.S.
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