POSTED: 10:50 pm EDT August 29, 2007
UPDATED: 11:07 pm EDT August 29, 2007
POSTED: 10:50 pm EDT August 29, 2007
UPDATED: 11:07 pm EDT August 29, 2007
NBC 10 first told you Tuesday about the sign outside the Cumberland County Community Church sparking controversy in Millville.
"I do not believe that people are born gay," Pastor Salvatore Roggio said, speaking in front of the sign advertising "Help for the Homosexual" at this weekend's sermon.
"I do not believe that people are born gay," Pastor Salvatore Roggio said, speaking in front of the sign advertising "Help for the Homosexual" at this weekend's sermon.
Wednesday night, the controversy was hitting home for the church's pastor, NBC 10's Ted Greenberg reported.
Wednesday night, the controversy was hitting home for the church's pastor, NBC 10's Ted Greenberg reported.
The pastor's daughter said that she is a lesbian and just couldn't stay silent.
"It is with great sadness that I learned of the public statements my father has made against my community," said Sharon Roggio.
"It is with great sadness that I learned of the public statements my father has made against my community," said Sharon Roggio.
She decided to speak out about the message posted outside her father's church, condemning it.
She decided to speak out about the message posted outside her father's church, condemning it.
"Just as straight people never made the choice to be straight, gays and lesbians never made the choice to be gay," Sharon Roggio said.
"Just as straight people never made the choice to be straight, gays and lesbians never made the choice to be gay," Sharon Roggio said.
The 29-year-old, who lives in Michigan, recorded the statement following comments her father made Tuesday in which he said people are not born gay and through Jesus Christ, homosexuals can become straight.
The 29-year-old, who lives in Michigan, recorded the statement following comments her father made Tuesday in which he said people are not born gay and through Jesus Christ, homosexuals can become straight.
A former gay rights activist who claims to have done just that is speaking at the church on Sunday.
A former gay rights activist who claims to have done just that is speaking at the church on Sunday.
"I love my father and want only happiness for him," Sharon Roggio said. "But I cannot stand silent and allow false statements against gay and lesbian people to be made any longer."
"I love my father and want only happiness for him," Sharon Roggio said. "But I cannot stand silent and allow false statements against gay and lesbian people to be made any longer."
"I believe she is living a life that is not proper," Salvatore Roggio said. "She has a choice to say yes, yes to Jesus Christ."
"I believe she is living a life that is not proper," Salvatore Roggio said. "She has a choice to say yes, yes to Jesus Christ."
Sharon Roggio said she came out to her parents when she was 18.
Sharon Roggio said she came out to her parents when she was 18.
Her father said Wednesday night he believes she can still change.
Her father said Wednesday night he believes she can still change.
"I love my daughter deeply. It breaks my heart. I weep over the situation, but that does not change truth. The issue is truth," Salvatore Roggio said.
"I love my daughter deeply. It breaks my heart. I weep over the situation, but that does not change truth. The issue is truth," Salvatore Roggio said.
"I couldn't come to bring myself to even think that I could be a lesbian, as I was taught growing up that such a sin couldn't happen to a religious man's family. But I was wrong. And so is my father," Sharon Roggio said in the recorded message.
"I couldn't come to bring myself to even think that I could be a lesbian, as I was taught growing up that such a sin couldn't happen to a religious man's family. But I was wrong. And so is my father," Sharon Roggio said in the recorded message.
She is also asking her father to include what she calls "the gay and lesbian perspective" at this Sunday's church service.
She is also asking her father to include what she calls "the gay and lesbian perspective" at this Sunday's church service.
The pastor told NBC 10, however, that while he embraces an open dialogue, he doesn't believe the service would be the right setting for a debate.
The pastor told NBC 10, however, that while he embraces an open dialogue, he doesn't believe the service would be the right setting for a debate.
Previous Stories:
August 28, 2007:
Previous Stories:
August 28, 2007:
Cumberland County Community Church
1987~Celebrating 20 Years~2007
1800 East Broad Street
• Millville, NJ 08332 • USA
• 856-327-2222
Senior Pastor Salvatore Roggio
Mission Statement: "Our Purpose is to bring people into a loving and mature relationship with Jesus Christ and to equip and inspire them to do the same."
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Video page:
Note: The church site is a bit confusing to navigate.
Pastor Roggio, believe me when I tell you this, I can relate to your troubles. Satan hits from all sides. Take Heart, and be firm in the armor of the Lord.
A person cannot indeed change if their heart is against any real change, and does not really want to, or believe that they can, change - if the mindset is geared against hearing the truth or against righteous change.
Therefore change does not, or will not, happen.
You cannot also make a person believe that the Bible - the entire Bible - is rooted in truth.
Sinful and carnal nature is adversarial to that truth.
My dad said to me when I was younger - in reference to me - that you cannot save a person from themself.
I found out over time - and in my heart knew it when he said it to me - that he was right.
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