



Daily Wisdom


Monday, June 04, 2007

News Release
June 4, 2007


Yesterday, Senator Barack Obama became the first presidential contender to launch a religious outreach website, Commenting on it today is Catholic League president Bill Donohue:

“On Sen. Obama’s new website, he lists the testimonials of three controversial clergymen: Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., senior pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago; Rev. J. Alfred Smith Sr., senior pastor of Allen Temple Baptist Church in Oakland, California; and Rev. Michael Pfleger, a Roman Catholic Chicago priest.

“Rev. Wright was scheduled to give the invocation at the forum of Obama’s presidential announcement on February 10, but the night before the event Obama rescinded the bid: the Illinois senator knew that his spiritual advisor was so divisive that he would cloud the ceremonies. The black liberation theologian has a record of giving racially inflammatory sermons and has even said that Zionism has an element of ‘white racism.’ He also blamed the attacks of 9/11 on American foreign policy.

“Rev. Smith was honored by the notoriously violent Black Panther Party of Oakland in 1975, and in 1990 was given a community award by the Nation of Islam, an anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic and anti-gay group.

“Rev. Pfleger has allowed Nation of Islam chief Louis Farrakhan to preach in his church; he has been arrested for defacing billboards; he has paid prostitutes to worship at his church; and only last week he staged an anti-gun rally in front of a gun store where he exhorted the crowd to hunt down the owner ‘like a rat’ and ‘snuff’ him.

“While Obama is not responsible for the record of these three clergymen, he is responsible for giving them the opportunity to prominently display their testimonials on his religious outreach website. If these are the kinds of clergymen he admires, perhaps it’s best he shut down his new website and start all over again. It will take more than ‘God talk’ to get Obama out of this jam.”


Catholic League For Religious And Civil Rights

People Of Faith For Barack Obama


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Every single person and every single creature that is alive today on this Earth

- August 24, 2008 til around the year 2880 will all be dead when January 1, 3000 happens.

What do I know:

- I don't even know exactly how many generations of people that is.

- I have absolutely no idea what the terrain will look like then,

and I know that most things occurring today,

and for quite awhile from now, will not matter

or even be remembered by those alive then.

Will they even have books?

What can happen around the span of a 1000 years or so?

- The Roman Empire lasted approx 851 years. [625BC-476AD]

- The Pilgrim exploring party went ashore at Plymouth in America approx [1620] 388 years ago.

- The Nazi Party Ruled about 12 years [1933-1945]

- The Titanic took approx 2 hours and 40 minutes for her to sink. [11:40pm:14th-2:20am:15th April 1912]

- There is active Christian discussion on this being the latter day

- the time being at hand -

that indicates that somewhere in this clock

the prophecied tribulation could happen.

Would I be worthy?

- 10 out of 10 people do not leave this world alive.

- Somewhere in the time of this clock I'll be leaving here,

just like others I have known have already left.

- I know that spirits exist.

Do I know where those I have known are in spirit - no.

But I know that they are alive in the Lord's heart.

I know that He knows just where they are.

I hope and pray that they are ok.

In His heart I know and believe that they are.

- I believe in the promises of Christ, and know that I am ok.

What do you know?


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