



Daily Wisdom


Friday, February 23, 2007

Parents Make Plea To Save Son From Mystery Illness

POSTED: 6:02 pm EST February 23, 2007
UPDATED: 8:32 pm EST February 23, 2007

You may have received the e-mail or the video mail from two local
parents fighting desperately to save the life of their son.

NBC 10 News Medical Reporter Cherie Bank said it's heart-
wrenching and compelling and makes you long to help.

Seeing Ben Wallace with his family is sadder yet, knowing he

has the same genetic illness that took the life of his brother,

"We just say, 'You have a brother who's with God. He's your
special angel who's always going to be there for you," said
Nathalie Wallace, the boy's mother.

The problem is the illness that killed Zach and plagues Ben,

but not their sister Olivia, is so rare it has no name.

"The body begins destroying blood cells. Clots end up forming,
and you can have damage to your kidneys and your brain,"
said Dr. Edward Attiyeh of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Zach had his first seizures around 10 months old.

"Then we found out he was blind, he was paralyzed from the

waist down … and I was nine months pregnant with Olivia on
my knees at his bedside just saying, 'God, what is happening?
What is this?'" said Nathalie Wallace.

Now, Ben has had the same problems.

"It's just so hard to believe he's the only one in the world, and

maybe through more people viewing this … that maybe someone
will be able to help more than we're being helped now," said Don
Wallace, the father.

Attiyeh said Ben's problems are triggered by a missing protein.

While doctors search for what protein it is, they treat Ben by

replacing all of his proteins through plasma transfusions every

"I want a cure. I want an answer. I want a doctor who says this

is what it is and this is how we can fix it," said Nathalie Wallace.

"I'm not going to lose him … he's going to be OK. He has to,"

she said.

The family has taken their boys to the Mayo Clinic, Johns

Hopkins and the best children's hospital in the country, here
in Philadelphia.

While they can treat Ben's symptoms, no one can give the

disease a name.

Ben's doctors say his illness is related to a family of diseases that
are called with TTP (Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpea, or
atypical HUS (Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome), where the trigger
is an abnormal or missing protein in your plasma.

The result triggers these flares in which blood cells start breaking

down. Doctors don't know if this is a genetic disease carried on the
X chromosome or if it is autosomal recessive.

If you have any scientist in your family with any ideas, here's a
link to the Ben's family's Web site:

Copyright 2007 by All rights reserved.

Video Link:
Medical Mystery
Stephanie Abrams reports a family is dealing
with a medical mystery after two of their
children came down with an unknown illness
that has doctors puzzled:

Video Link:

Medical Mystery:


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Every single person and every single creature that is alive today on this Earth

- August 24, 2008 til around the year 2880 will all be dead when January 1, 3000 happens.

What do I know:

- I don't even know exactly how many generations of people that is.

- I have absolutely no idea what the terrain will look like then,

and I know that most things occurring today,

and for quite awhile from now, will not matter

or even be remembered by those alive then.

Will they even have books?

What can happen around the span of a 1000 years or so?

- The Roman Empire lasted approx 851 years. [625BC-476AD]

- The Pilgrim exploring party went ashore at Plymouth in America approx [1620] 388 years ago.

- The Nazi Party Ruled about 12 years [1933-1945]

- The Titanic took approx 2 hours and 40 minutes for her to sink. [11:40pm:14th-2:20am:15th April 1912]

- There is active Christian discussion on this being the latter day

- the time being at hand -

that indicates that somewhere in this clock

the prophecied tribulation could happen.

Would I be worthy?

- 10 out of 10 people do not leave this world alive.

- Somewhere in the time of this clock I'll be leaving here,

just like others I have known have already left.

- I know that spirits exist.

Do I know where those I have known are in spirit - no.

But I know that they are alive in the Lord's heart.

I know that He knows just where they are.

I hope and pray that they are ok.

In His heart I know and believe that they are.

- I believe in the promises of Christ, and know that I am ok.

What do you know?


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